the story of my dress

Like every bride, finding that perfect dress was at the top of my wedding checklist. No way I was going to be out-dressed on MY day, blazy blazy bla. It was all about me. I wanted to stand out, I wanted to be unique, I wanted, I wanted. Anyways I was (still am for the most part) a firm believer in "have-an-idea-of-what-you-want-even-before-you-need-it"ness so way before i got engaged (possibly even while I was still single) I started saving wedding dress inspiration pictures from the internet onto my computer. Whatever caught my eye, I right clicked and saved in hopes that one day they would be my guide to finding THE dress. Fast forward to after I got now my views had changed, I had met Christ somewhere along the line. I was planning the wedding of (my) dreams, and that dream was TO PLEASE GOD. I wanted Him to be at the center of it all. I committed all of the planning into His hands. I even asked Him what the colors should be. I gave up all my empty fantasies for whatever God had in store for me. At this point, I would have gotten married in the back of a bus wearing pajamas if I was 100% that was the will of God. But God is better than that, He supplies all our needs according to His RICHES in glory through Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19. I had a budget and I committed it to God. It wasn't easy every step of the way, I had to purposely trust God and put down my flesh. At times I failed but He put me right on track again.
Ok ok, the dress. So one day I woke up with a burden in my heart. I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to a particular dress that I had saved on my computer ages ago when I was channelling wedding dress inspiration. I listened, got up, opened up the folder that had all the pictures and went right to the dress he said. DISAPPOINTMENT was an understatement! It was as if I was looking at the ugliest dress ever. All the flesh in me arose and resisted it. I was thinking about me now, how would I look? on MY day? It was to simple, it didn't have this, it didn't have that. So I left God at the computer that day headed for the shops in search of my perfect dress, the one that would please me- God will understand. That day I came back home, tired, frustrated and even more disappointed. And guilty. I knew without a doubt that I was going against God's will. After a few days I came back to my senses, repented and went  back to my computer where I left God. I accepted His dress choice into my heart and set out on a quest to find it. The problem was, all I had was a picture. No website, no designer, no name just a photo. I searched every popular wedding gown designer I could think luck. But there was no way I was gonna give up. If that was what He wanted me to wear, then surely He knew where to find it and so I followed His lead. By now I had just found out about, I logged on and started a thread, a simple question with a picture of my dress. That same night, a lady responded with the name of the designer AND the exact style number for the dress!! WOW!! I was blown away. The rest was easy, I found a vendor that carried the dress in NewYork ordered it OVER THE PHONE and even got a discount! Oh my original budget was $500 (It was more of wishful thinking, little did I know God was gonna come close) I only paid about a hundred dollars more for my actual dress. The day my dress arrived, I was alone in my living room when I heard the bell ring. I carried the box upstairs, unceremoniously opened it, tried on the dress over what I was already wearing, took it off and hung it in my closet. It FIT and I didn't even need any alterations. 

Now think about it, if God was this interested in something as valueless as my dress...


  1. Beautiful story. God is indeed a good friend! The bestest with our interest at His heart.

  2. Beautiful story indeed Remstar! Yes, God really is a perfectionist

  3. It sounds too good to be true, but I know that God is soooooo able! ...I love The Lord, love this story, loved your dress, and I surely love you!

    1. Yup! God works! we just have to try Him. I love u too!!



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