beyond the dress

I guess you could call me a phase 2 newlywed 


Let me explain- we've passed the one year mark, stretched the two year mark, baby number one...check. We've hit the "And then what?" Exactly! Now you are catching on. Dating my husband was so easy, so fun and most of all completely and absolutely rooted in Christ. We had bible reading dates, all we ever talked about was God. In fact the force of attraction between us was God. I noticed how beautiful his love for God was before I even noticed how good he looked physically. We planned the wedding of (my) dreams lol (don't judge, God gave it to me in a dream). Then we got married and I realized how much of a chore romance was after the honeymoon. Marriage comes with a lot of baggage, mentally and physically, and I quickly realized that the "idea" of loving my marriage would take a little more than loving my husband or our friendship and it would be so different from dating! It would take loving GOD first. Loving Him absolutely and trusting Him fully. How does loving God help my marriage? Well marriage is a Godly institution and He writes the text books for it. John 14:15- "If you love Me, you will obey My commandments." I see loving my marriage as a very COMPLEX instruction from God, so in loving Him, I am obeying his instruction, following the manual the way He designed it to work.

I started this blog to encourage myself (+ you) to be the best wife, mother, child of God I can be. One of my favorite quotes is "I did what I know until I knew better"- Dr Feland Meadows. I pray that by encountering God more through this blog, we would know Him better and those things we did in the past, the inadequacies in how we loved will stay in the past as we begin to do things better as He reveals His ways to us. 

Join me on my journey to remain a newlywed at heart.
for Christ.with Christ

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