Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Back to life!

Typing that title just brought back an old song in my head, "back to life, back to reality" I'm finally back after a looong hiatus. I have been physically back from an unplanned trip for over a week now but I haven't been mentally settled enough. SO much change, good change in the past few weeks, nonetheless I am back and how timely I will pick up right where I left off with our 31 Days of Wisdom Proverbs Challenge! This wasn't meant to be a one time event, the goal of the challenge was to lay a foundation and encourage all of us to read a Proverb a day for the rest of our lives…sounds like a lot? Not really when I think of the time I waste spend watching TV, staring into space,  you know, those things that just happen and I check only to find out minutes have turned to hours gone by unaccounted for. Anyways, be encouraged, just read one Proverb a day. And how's this for taking the pressure off, if you miss a day you don't even need to "catch-up" just wait till the next time that date comes around and read it then, moving on to the next day and so on. (I heard that sigh of relief)

To all the beautiful readers that completed the challenge on their own without it being posted online, THANK YOU and WELL DONE! I know God has already stared something great in your hearts and He will perfect all that concerns you and build you up to be His masterpiece in Jesus name. 

{we will continue with Proverbs 18 tomorrow}

As a recap, here is what we are doing…

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 28/29/30/31 days of the month.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of each month
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!

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