Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Date Night Ideas

I'm sure you've heard "a family that prays together, stays together," in like manner, a couple that plays together stays together. The most fundamental element in a dream marriage is friendship Amos 3:3. See, it doesn't really matter what you are doing on your date as long as you are together and you 'made' it happen, as in not by accident. Think of a car, no matter how nice it is, if it doesn't get serviced, the engine will surely knock! Dates are the servicing our marriage cars need. Here are some inexpensive date night ideas for me first...hehe, yes and you too my friends!
The destinationless-night-drive date: This is one of my favorites to do with my husband! It sounds silly on paper but it's soooo fun. After a day of being consumed by affairs of life- work, school, taking care of kids, cooking and everything else in between! We jump in the car, just the two of us and we talk, laugh, hold hands safely and just enjoy the moment. By the time we get home, our love tanks are full and we are refreshed.

The one-night-stand date: This one requires a little more planning if you have children because you will need a trusted baby sitter or family member to watch your kids while you spend a night with your boo in a hotel down the road. And if you don't have kids, still go, just being in a hotel room takes away the mental burden of laying the bed! LOL.  Don't over think it, over thinking is the number one date night killer. You don't need a five star hotel, you just need one that is nice and affordable and close by (for peace of mind). This is a great time to cash in some rewards points if you have any. 

The coffe lovers date: You know that little coffee shop down the road, the one that has those cool tables with umbrellas outside on the street, yes, that one. Ok Starbucks will do. Enjoy a cozy night out with your man in a coffee shop. Just sit, relax, talk or just stare and enjoy each others company. If you don't fancy coffee, there's ice cream or froyo! Yum! You can spice it up with some light pre-planning; write random questions of 3x5 cards and play a game. One person reads a question and the other answers, take turns. Questions can be- what's a childhood memory you'll never forget, what's your favorite joke? be creative. Avoid questions that can cause a fight. By the end of the night, you would have laughed, dreamed and reminisced all for $5 it took to order a tall coffee with cream and sugar! how's that for some cream and sugar!

What inexpensive date night ideas have you tried? Leave a comment. Share.


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