Saturday, March 16, 2013

Days 15-17 : 31 days of wisdom

Hello lovely people {insert bright smile}! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I did. TOday is my son's first birthday and we just had a "gloriffic" {God's-glory-filled} birthday celebration in our home with close friends and family, to God be all the glory! I apologize for not posting the weekend readings, but I hope you read them anyway. If you missed it for any reason and you would like to catch up, or you are on schedule to continue with the most current reading, I am posting Days 15-17. We are in the second half of our 31 days Proverbs challenge and it's so great to have made it this far. I pray for the grace to finish and even more grace to make it a part of our daily lives. 

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!



Happy Birthday To My Son, My Joy, My Love...

I stumbled upon this lovely excerpt a few days ago and how timely! It reminded me of why everyday of the last year have been the best days of my life yet {better ones coming in Jesus name} even in the times when the going was tough. Today is my son's FIRST birthday {insert joyful squeal} and I cannot express how thankful I am to my Almighty God for the opportunity to be called mom and to love my baby boy as much as I do. It's been such an awesome journey and I wouldn't have it any other way. From the moment I conceived him, it was LOVE, LOVE LOVE. 
Happy Birthday to MY SON, MY JOY, MY LOVE!!! The BELOVED OF GOD.

{I can't wait to do the post on his transportation themed birthday party}

Enjoy the excerpt below; 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 14 : 31 days of wisdom

It's tough being a woman, let alone a Godly woman {not religious, Godly} When you consider all the parameters and criteria that qualifies you to be called Godly, the standard seems to high and you are right! Yes, right. But GOD CAN. It is He who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure Philipians 2:13. Our righteousness to Him is as filthy rags anyways Isaiah 64:6, so why try on your own... let go and let GOD. 
For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 13 : 31 days of wisdom

Every day I read the Proverbs, I go in longing for one verse to jump at me. You know, like a light-bulb-moment-meets-wow type of thing BUT each time all I can say is I LOVE PROVERBS. Lol. EVERY line is like honey. From verse to verse my hearts leaps. Deep down I feel like the man…or woman, you know the one that woots and toots at every word the Pastor says lol, and you are like come on did "can you open your bibles to John 3:16" REALLY need a "preach on preacher". Anyways, I find myself being that person when I read throughout these proverbs. But for the sake of highlighting one verse {which i'm obviously determined to do today} I choose verse 24 of today's reading-

"Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children.
    Those who love their children care enough to discipline them."

Maybe it stands out to me because I am a fairly new mom, and my son is going to be one year old this week, and he is needing some direction {it's never too late to start}, or maybe it because correcting people is something I have definitely struggled with- I get a a little too passionate and what was meant for good gets lost amidst all the hyperventilating. Et cetera, Et cetera. 
I'd like us to look at this verse beyond just correcting your child, it could be your spouse, your friend, someone older than you or younger. WHOEVER it may be, the key words are LOVE, CARE and DISCIPLINE. The first element is love, out of love care is born and the discipline part comes out like a flower in bloom. No thistles or thorns, but gentle and kind. I have failed MANY times in this area, and now I know why; because I loved the message more than the "messagee" {it's not a typo, think employer/employee, you get my point lol} The love that should overflow is the love for the person you are correcting. If you are propelled by the love for the message you are trying to deliver, first off you are being selfish, and you will most certainly NOT get through to your subject. What's the point of talking if your point is not delivered {communication is not complete until you actually get your message "across", notice I didn't say "accepted"} Always remind yourself this- 

-Theodore Roosevelt

DAY 13!!!
LOVE someone today, show you CARE, invite them to join the One-A-Day Proverbs challenge and let wisdom do the DISCIPLINE!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 12 : 31 days of wisdom

Thank You Dear Lord, for bringing me and my friends this far in our 31 days proverbs challenge. We are almost halfway there, please give us the strength to stay strong and the grace to stay committed. At the end of the day may our joy be full and our hearts be wiser. In Jesus name.

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!

Day 12!!! KEEP GOING!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Motivation Monday! Day 11 : 31 days of wisdom

Helloooo Monday!! You know, it's been 11 glorious days in Wisdom's house. But I feel in my spirit that someone needs encouragement today. You may have started this journey enthusiastic because you genuinely wanted to know more, serve God better and live a more wholesome life. The first week was good, yes, you even started the next seven days still pumped but it's DAY 11 and you just feel so down, all your inadequacies are screaming at you- "How can I ever be like Wisdom," "Will I ever get it right," "I'm just too wrong to ever be right!" All you see as you read these "pro"verbs are all the ways you are all your "con"verbs ways. YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK! wait? what?! Yes! YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU SHOULD BE! The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It is only the fear of God that can open our eyes to see all the ways we fall short of His glory. Good news…no GREAT news is that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him; which is what you are doing now. Encourage yourself in the Lord Don't let the devil keep you down. Now you know where you are and that's FANTASTIC. Many people have died never knowing they were not quite right, thinking they were "ok." There is nothing worse than thinking you are what you are not, and staying below what you should be. GOD NEVER CALLS THE QUALIFIED, HE CALLS THE UNQUALIFIED AND QUALIFIES THEM!! No matter where you are in life's journey #youmatter to God. Isn't that awesome?! Wisdom calls, open up to her and she will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 

*now follow the next set of instructions very carefully- read slowly*

stretch your right hand, stretch your left hand
wriggle your fingers
touch you left shoulder blade with you right hand,
touch your right shoulder blade with you left hand
now sqeeeezeee tight! 

  you just completed a virtual hug :-)

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

DAY 9-10 : 31 days of wisdom

Happy weekend my lovelies!! Day 9 and 10 have rolled by and we are still going strong, all glory be to sweet Jesus. It's the end of Saturday and I hope you all had a fabulous one! I certainly did, my dad came in to town this morning and my son turns one this week so i've got lots to be thankful for. This weekend, it's also mother's day for all our UK and Africa readers. 

Happy Mother's Day 

A mother's love, a Mother's care,
A mother's sigh, a Mother's prayerA Mother's work, and Mother's day,
Leaves little time for any play.
A godly Mother with godly love,Is treasure from God above,
A godly Mother with godly care,Has God's help when she sighs a prayer. 
-Calvin M. Lake

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM!! ASANI DAADAA {translation rare gem}
For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Friday, March 8, 2013

World International Women's Day 2013

Hello Ladies! Today is World International Women's Day. I just wanted to encourage us to pray for one another. If you can't think of anyone to pray for, pray for the woman who is being abused by her husband or the prostitute dying of AIDS with no family support, pray for the widowed 25 year old or the orphaned baby girl, even pray for the one who has it all figured out- JUST PRAY- someone out there needs you!

Day 8 : 31 days of wisdom

Imagine if everything you said was right! Having wisdom is like having a cheat sheet. In the last week, we have learnt about the importance of wisdom. And still in today's reading, She, wisdom, begs for us to knock at her door, promising to open up and satisfy us with all the wise goodness we can handle. This passage really presents wisdom in a very practical light. Imagine if you managed your home, relationships, jobs, school life with wisdom. How awesome would that be? Loving wisdom is like loving good health and hating her is just the opposite- the end is death. Unwise words and actions may sometimes seem like the "wise" choice- but not for long. Choose wisdom always! As always, don't forget to help someone today- leave a comment :-)

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 7 : 31 days of wisdom

Hello my lovelies! We have just bagged a whole week worth of Proverbs! What awesomeness. All glory be to God for the grace He gave us. If you've missed any days, You still have time to catch up, be encouraged. Even if you're just joining the challenge, it will only take a few minutes to read chapters 1-7, so be encouraged as well. Whatever level you find yourself don't get discouraged and don't quit. You're doing this for yourself and you have nothing to loose and SO MUCH to gain. And you certainly don't have anything to prove to anyone my dears.  Bottom line- KEEP READING, you will find that the book of Proverbs is one the sweetest and easiest reads in the bible. As always i'd love to here from you, please leave a comment, you may be helping someone!

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 6 : 31 days of wisdom

A word spoken in season, how sweet is it! That's my testimony this 31 days of wisdom and I pray that it's yours too. I had a friend tell me yesterday "I love Proverbs," such simple words but packed full of WISDOM. It's Day 6 ladies, and I am even more excited than Day 1 of this challenge. Reading each chapter just reminds me just how much God loves me, that He will guide my heart with such wisdom. One song is on my heart as I type this and i'd love to share it with you, enjoy…and please leave a COMMENT :-)

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 5 : 31 days of wisdom

Hello lovely ladies. How has your week been going? I trust that the daily Proverbs have ministered to your lives in one way or another. Thank for all those who have shared their comments on the blog and otherwise, and to all who have recruited more people to join in the challenge. It's awesome that you are doing God's work, and He will reward you in Jesus name. If you haven't already, please leave a comment, someone out there that could benefit from it. Spread the love- email your friends, tweet it, update your facebook status and of course leave a comment! Let's do this challenge... TOGETHER!

Here are some questions to help guide your comments:
  1. What verse(s) stuck out to you?

  2. How does the passage relate to your own life as a wife, mother, woman, child of God?

  3. In what practical ways can you adapt this passage to your life, your marriage?

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 4 : 31 days of wisdom

Hi ladies! Get's Monday AND we are on Day 4 of our 31 days of wisdom challenge :-) The last two days have been great and it's only the beginning. I love all the foundations of the importance of wisdom that have been laid in my heart. Truly wisdom is the principal thing! No matter what we do, what area of life we work in, married or single, we NEED wisdom and true wisdom can only be found in the word of God. Proverbs 2:6. I can go on and on about all the deliciousness contained in chapters 1-3 but i'm sure there is even more in the coming ones SO lets keep digging!!!


Iron sharpens iron. Let's make this more interactive. Please share what you've learned or learning in each day's reading, using the following questions as a guide; (i'm starting..see comments)
What verse(s) stuck out to you?

How does the passage relate to your own life as a wife, mother, woman, child of God?

In what practical ways can you adapt this passage to your life?

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend; Day 2-3 : 31 days of wisdom

It's the WEEKEND!!!

Happy Saturday ladies!! I'm very excited to be on this 31 day journey with you. I pray God will see us through in Jesus name. We will run and not go weary, we will walk and not be faint as we take this challenge in Jesus name. At the end of the 31 days, the wisdom and revelation hidden in the book of Proverbs would be engrained in us in Jesus name. We will be better wives, mothers, friends, sisters, lovers and most of all children of the Most High God in Jesus name. AMEN!

photo: fittithefinish

For those that are just joining us, we are reading a chapter of Proverbs a day {that corresponds with the date} for the entire 31 days of March.
how? COMMIT to devoting just 10 minutes a day reading the book that corresponds to the date
when? EVERYDAY of month of March {1-31}
no bible? no problem! LOG ON to BTD daily and you will find the posted chapter for the day :-)
who? seasoned biblenistas hungry for fresh revelation, bible babies trying to get started reading the Word, non-christians curious to know what all the hype is about
what version? the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION for simplicity sake but feel free to pick the version you are most comfortable with
excited? OF COURSE!!!!

Enjoy your weekend in Christ!


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